Welcome to the Musikwissenschaftliches Seminar Detmold/Paderborn!

As a joint institution of the University of Paderborn and the University of Music Detmold, the Musikwissenschaftliches Seminar is dedicated to the study and research of music and music culture. The focus is on study programs in the field of musicology at the Bachelor’s, Master’s, or doctoral level. At the same time, we are an established hub for research, with around forty researchers working here. The main location of the Musikwissenschschaftliches Seminar is the Detmold FORUM Wissenschaft–Bibliothek–Musik, together with the large music library. Additional locations include the university campus and HNI in Paderborn, as well as the Kreativ Campus Detmold.

News and events

Winter semester 2024/2025 notice board is here!

Plan the next semester quickly before the holidays start!

Learn more

Edirom Summer School - Programme and registration

The detailed programme of the Edirom Summer School 2024 is now online +++ Registration is open until 18 Sept. 2024 (23:59, UTC+2).

Learn more

Call for Papers: Open-Topic Workshop on Women's and Gender Studies

Open-topic conference of the Women's and Gender Studies Section of the Society for Music Research +++ Musicological Seminar Detmold/Paderborn, Detmold +++ 15 to 16 February 2025 +++ Call for Papers +++ Deadline: 31.07.2024

Learn more


Winter semester 2024/2025

Courses +++ Overview (Download) +++ Registration +++ Annotated course catalogue

Lec­ture series “Mu­sic and di­git­al me­dia”

Cordial invitation to the public lecture series in the winter semester 2024/2025!

Stu­dent Coun­selling Ser­vice

Student counselling for the degree programmes of the Department of Musicology